Let Sleeping Babes Lie


My six-month old puts his head down for a nap; it’s one of the two he takes during the day. When his eyes close, I jump all over the house trying to get things done.

A part of me wonders if I will ever be a productive member of society again. Once a master of organization, now I try to content myself with getting all the bottles washed before he wakes back up. In those odd moments when I have time, I spend most of it trying to decide what to do with it.  Watch television? Read? Edit? Work on my novel? Take a nap myself? Eat every unhealthy thing in the house? Tackle one of the countless chores needing to be done?

Or perhaps I could make a blog post.

I never really understood the value of time until I didn’t have any.  If fatherhood is teaching me anything (outside of patience, diaper skills, and baby fingernail trimming), it is to focus on doing one or two things well, because there isn’t enough time for the renaissance man jack-of-all-trades nonsense anymore.

Roughly a year later…

One of the main reasons I started this blog was so it could serve as a time capsule for me. A lot has changed in the year or so since this post was initially generated. For one, Thor is running all over the place and causing mayhem. Indeed, Past Corey had no concept of how little time he would have.

The irony of the original post doesn’t elude me. Past Corey believed he was taxed for time. With Thor napping only once during the day now, and my amazing wife consistently being away on a warship, time truly has become a precious quantity. Here’s my takeaways:

  1. Be willing to tell people “no.” When time becomes a premium, then you have to learn to say no more often, even if it’s a project/job/task you think is awesome.
  2. Don’t stress about the small stuff. And man, it took my a while to figure out what the small stuff was. Figure out what you can control and focus on that. You must tend to your garden of f***s and not give them too freely.
  3. When it’s time to work, play, or chill, don’t get sidetracked. In a world where multitasking is listed on resumes, I strive to do the opposite. Multitasking usually means I’m half-assing something. As Ron Swanson would say, “Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.”

These lessons are about as deep as a puddle in the desert, but heck, I never claimed to be a philosophizer. I’m just a dad trying to sort through the madness one day at a time. That’s it for my blog time; I’ll update this post in another year.

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23 responses

  1. Ah, the memories! Wait till you have seven children, homeschool the youngest four, potty train the two year old, teach high school art part time, AND are trying to become a published author. There isn’t even time to ask the question, “What should I do next?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Seven little ones, I can’t even imagine the struggle – and fulfillment. A tip of the hat to you for sure.

      Did you manage to get published, or is it still a work in progress? After viewing your blog, I can only assume your published work would be a pleasure to thumb through.


  2. Ahh the joys of being a parent. It’s Neverending, even after they are all grown up and living their own lives. But cherish every second of your time with Thor and being a part of molding and shaping his future. Now he will probably never go the direction you want him to go, but he will always remember everything you say. Even if he doesn’t agree with it at the time. They still listen and absorb every little thing. Your a awesome dad.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Very timely. I actually wrote a blog last week seeking tips. I didn’t post it, it’s in the queue. My boys are grown but I had a grandbaby all week. He is a three year old energizer bunny who hates naps. Needless to say I had no time and was wondering how all of you guys with young ones at home managed to find time to write and blog and rest. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Corey,

    I am a keep it simple kind of guy. My goal is to put the kids to bed the same way that they jumped out of it in the morning. As long as they have all their appendages, major body parts and are reasonably healthy. Then I consider it a good day.

    If I actually accomplished something during the day, then it was a great day.

    Keep smiling and remember that the benadryl isn’t just for the kid.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahh these memories!!! I still remember I used to have breakdowns when he was a newborn :# Now he is 4 yo. IDK how he became even more handful 😛 always demanding attention.. but I love him and I treasure the times I spent with him. Now my thesis is giving me breakdowns tbh -_-


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