Writing Characters & Role-Playing Games

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Similar to my first computer.

Today’s post is going to look at how earlier role-playing games (RPGs) introduced the basic concept of archetypes to me when I was younger without me even realizing it.  For those of you who are nerd types, this post will likely appeal to you.  For those of you who aren’t, perhaps you’ll find some of it amusing.

When I was twelve or so, my dad surprised my mom and I with a new computer.  I should preface this by saying my dad was notoriously tight with his money.  I say this in a good way.  The comforts I enjoyed as a young boy were due to my parent’s ability to manage a limited budget.  Regardless, I was awe struck.  It was sometime in the late 90s.  We weren’t the most technologically advanced family out there (I grew up on a farm) so this wiz-bang addition was mind boggling.  The new computer had amazing features!  It came with a mouse, and a color screen was now standard.  This new computer also unlocked a new world for me.  The world of in-depth RPGs.

baldurs gate.jpgThat following Christmas, I received Baldur’s Gate from my parents.  I carefully opened the box with the smiling skull on it and looked at the five discs.  Five discs!  This game was going to be huge.

Christmas was at my grandma’s house.  Needless to say, I was chomping at the bit the whole hour plus drive home.  The game box came with an instruction book and a little map.  I must have read the book ten times before we got home.

I popped in Disk 1 and waited through the installation.  I couldn’t believe how fast it was going!  It must have taken less than an hour to install all of it (if only I knew how technology would evolve).  The game fired up and I was blown away by an amazing cinematic.

Baldur's Gate Intro.jpg

I quickly clicked “New Game.”  The game asked me to build a character.  I would be a sword and shield wielding hero!  Then it asked me to select my alignment.  The question caught me off-guard.  The younger me thought, “Heroes are only good…duh!” I selected Lawful Good and off to the races I went.

baldur's gate logo.jpgAs I began the game (in a state of sheer wonderment) I began clicking and watching as my character navigated around.  I clicked on a person and to my surprise a dialogue box popped up.

[Note:  From here on out I am roughly recalling the dialogue and actions of the game.  If you played the game, don’t bust my proverbial balls too much if my memory fails me.]

The computer character I clicked said something to the extent of, “There are rats in my cellar, if you help me out I’ll give you a reward.”

baldurs gate gameplay.jpgI selected the most heroic option.  “Leave it to me!”  With that, I moused the character to the house, found the cellar door, and brought down the fury of lawful goodness down on their rodent heads.  I nearly died.  My baby character was either using a crappy dagger or his fists.  I can’t really remember.  But I do remember my heart pounding because I thought I was going to die five minutes into the game.

After the battle, I noticed I could click on the environment.  I figured it would be foolhardy to not reward myself with some items from this cellar.  As I clicked a chest and opened it there were a few items inside.  However, instead of saying, “take these items,” it said, “steal these items.”

I quickly navigated away.  I would not be tempted by the fruits of evil.  Nay I say!  I found the gentlemen who assigned me the task and informed him of my glorious success.  He responded, and again, there were different options to respond with.  I could accept a small reward, or just say something to the extent of, “Think nothing of it.  I can’t accept a reward for helping a person in need.”  A heroes glory is reward enough after all…I selected the the no-reward option.  I continued playing the game in this manner.  Never straying from my Lawful Good alignment.

baldurs gate character.jpgAs minutes turned into hours, and I continued to explore and play, the dark side started calling to me.  Wouldn’t it be more fun to have just punched that first guy in the face and stolen his promised reward?  Then I could have went into his cellar and looted it as well.  I considered how much more powerful my character would be if I had chosen a different path.

I saved my progress, went back to the main menu, and created a new character.  This one would be Chaotic Evil.  I would do whatever the heck I pleased and reap the rewards!  The game was much harder to play in this manner.  Suddenly game mechanics popped up and began murdering me.  Magical police forces would materialize and blast my character into oblivion.  It didn’t matter what I tried to do, there was no escape.  Where the heck were these guys while I was getting mauled by rats when I was lawfully good?

baldurs gate map.jpgThen I considered that perhaps a blended option would be best.  Maybe not a total goody two shoes, but someone who was willing to take a reward and cut corners every now and then.  I selected a Neutral Good character, that seemed to fit the bill.  For me, this yielded the most enjoyable results and allowed me to wander in ways that didn’t confine me to alignment.

I noticed that each character gained different benefits/consequences in the game world.  For instance, when I would encounter a shopkeeper how they responded to me would be different depending on my character alignment and my previous actions.  I would click on the shopkeeper and indicate I wanted to purchase or sell some gear and these could be the shopkeeper responses.

  • Lawful Good: I’ve heard of you good adventurer, enjoy this discount. 
  • Lawful Neutral: Welcome to the shop.  Feel free to browse my wares. 
  • Chaotic Evil : Guards!  He’s here!  KILL HIM!

Flashing forward to now, this concept is no real revelation.  Most modern RPGs are carefully crafted and written.  They all have built in mechanics to reward/punish you for the choices your characters make.  It’s standard.  But back then, it challenged my perception of what a hero could be.  After all, even as a chaotic evil character (exercising moderate restraint) I could still win the game and beat the big bad boss.

skyrim.jpgTo this day, when I play a RPG I typically create three characters.  A good one, a bad one, and a neutral one.  I want to see what the game developers and writers built into the game to cope with these types of characters and their subsequent decisions.  For me, it adds a whole new dimension to the game play.

I encourage you to apply this same methodology to your writing.  Especially when you are outlining and creating characters.  Consider how the character’s alignment will impact their interaction with the world you are creating.  Really take the time to fully realize this early on.  Make sure you select an alignment that will offer the most interesting and rewarding results in your story.

The benefit you gain when writing (which most RPGs fall short on) is the characters you create can evolve in your world.  Their world views and alignments can change.  In essence, you control the character arc and can direct it in a way that best elevates your story.  It just needs to be believable.

question markAs for me,  I think I’m going to track down Baldur’s Gate and take a trek down memory lane.  We’ll call it research.  If you are a gamer, was there an RPG that really impacted your view on characters and what they can do?  If you’re not a gamer, do you take the time to consider character alignment and how it impacts your character?  Are there particular character alignments you find especially appealing to read and write about?  I’d love to hear about.  Until tomorrow, keep reading, keep writing, and as always – stay sharp!  (Keep gaming too.)

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58 responses

  1. This was a fun post! I used to play Dark Age of Camelot and you got to pick what realm you played for. Albion, Hibernia, Midgard . . . I mostly played in Albion but I loved Hibernia too. It struck me once how differently the different realms viewed each other. If you were in Albion, Hibernians and Midgardians were the bad guys. If in Hibernia, Albion was your arch nemesis. It opened my eyes to the realization that all “bad guys” were the hero in their own story. It was one of the things that got me to try to see things through different people/character’s perspectives.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also played that game and know just what you are talking about! Awesome example and thanks for both reading and leaving it. The nostalgia factor has been increased by 12.

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    • I can remember playing and thinking, “It will never get better than this. By God they’ve done it!” In a way I think I was right. I’m not sure you can trump the nostalgia card.

      Regardless, thanks for stopping by to read. I’m glad the post struck a chord with you 😀

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Ah Baldurs gate… haven’t thought about that one in a while. Skyrim, loved it, glitched so I couldn’t complete it but loved it anyway. The Witcher is oodles of fun, but my all time favorite are the Assassins Creed. Oh and don’t laugh but I’m a sucker for plants vs. zombies.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Agree. John Marston is a great character arc. I came to ride horses and shoot bad guys, but I ended up playing TOOOO many hours of cards.

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    • Glitching…oh the glitching. After it would happen once, I would be very diligent about saving frequently. Then after time would pass I would get complacent. My reward?Glitching loading screen of doom.

      On a side note, I thought it was very clever to allow us to zoom and study items while we waited for the game to load. Of course that got old when the game never, ever, ever loaded. Hah! Skyrim was still a beautiful game that stole many hours from me.

      I’m also a big fan of Witcher (hard controls to master at first) Assassins Creed (I was in the Navy so Black Flag is glorious to me) and I’ve dabbled with some Plants vs. Zombies (the epic confrontation with the brilliantly named, Dr. Zomboss).

      Thanks for reading and for sharing, you’ve got me hankering for a controller.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. The nostalgia is real! Seriously, as a hardcore gamer and RPG lover I remember the first time I played Baldur’s Gate! This took me back. I was laughing when you mentioned the rats in the beginning because I had similar memories. In regards to your stance on trying different playthroughs etc. I started really doing that around the days (much later) of Mass Effect & Dragon Age, as well as Fallout 3!

    Those games captivated me so much with their storytelling and choices I had to go back and play through differently with multiple files. Dragon Age 2 (The Meg of that series) still had me creating both. Male and female character files in advance, with different class and alignments ahead of time because once through I turned right back around and played through again (despite it being the weakest of the bunch easily).

    RPG’s have held a special place in my heart most of my life. My parents were gamers so I always had a wealth to choose from (thankfully). This would encourage and influence my writing as well. Games like FFVII got me hooked on FF back in the day…but to be honest (most wouldn’t agree but FFVIII in my opinion was a better game and is still my favorite FF to date).

    I love the idea of how you apply the logic behind RPG character creation and development, to things like your writing. I was endlessly inspired by FF, KINGDOM HEARTS was a huge one for me (and still is), hell, Baldurs Gate, FallOut, Elder Scrolls (anything really), and Golden Sun. I’m not making any sense now (just randomly naming off RPG’s I fell in love with over time), but it’s because I’m so excited!

    For a time, playing these games inspired me quite a bit. I would pick apart the stories and say I LOVE THIS…but then I’d also say…why didn’t they push the boundaries further, go darker even where it seemed like they were maybe letting up, go full on with certain action scenes…or in the case of certain cut scenes I would go as far as to say…THIS IS BRILLIANT…BUT I BET I CAN WRITE EVEN BETTER!

    I was a bit of a brash hellion. I didn’t necessarily think I was the greatest writer or anything. I knew I wasn’t but I always found a drive in and believed, I could write something better! I looked up to many of the writers of these games and books I read and a younger me was like, I want to blow the world away with my writing!

    I still hold that enthusiasm, but I’m more level headed, grounded, (FAR MORE HUMBLE), and far better at editing than I was back then. It was that writer’s journey I’ve brought up with you due to your past posts. 😉

    Talking about these games though really makes me have feels and nostalgia. I remember playing Crisis Core FFVII on my PSP and at the end I cried. It felt silly because anyone who has played FFVII knows how Crisis Core is going to end but it was just so well done I cried. I still do when playing through that.

    Kingdom Hearts, (Who’d have thought Square Enix & Disney would combine to create such an amazing series) inspired the hell out of me. I was a teenager when all this happened. I am going to hit the brakes, I’m wired on coffee and probably not being cohesive right now.

    Thanks for the inspiring and nostalgic trip…Oh wait! Not an RPG…you know what I will stop. I almost got into horror games. You think RPG’s are a sudden jolt for me. Don’t let me get started on Horror Games…

    Thanks again and excellent insight and article Corey! I’m spelling your name right? I know another Corey and I constantly do the opposite on spelling his name. I never know if there is an E or there isn’t. Do

    Cheers! ^_^

    Liked by 4 people

    • You got the spelling of my name perfect. You touched on SOO many games that are near and dear to my heart in this post. I think we worship very similar gaming gods.

      It’s hard for me to pick between FFVII and FFVIII. Both have amazing characters and unbelievable stories that still hold up. Squall Leonhart and Cloud Strife are both characters I absolutely meshed with. While I loved Cloud’s car hood of a sword, Squall’s gunblade blew my mind to pieces.

      I think because I spent so much time in the FFVII world, and it hit me when I was younger, it left a bigger impression on me. That was probably the first game that had characters that impacted me on a personal and very emotional level (Aerith).

      As someone who has always loved playing card games, the FFVIII mini-card game was too much fun for me (Triple Traid I think it was called?). Kind of like blitzball in FFX, I spent a LOT of time playing these mini-games.

      I’m going to stop myself now, because seriously this is a conversation that could go on forever. We need to find a good gamer blog to pour this energy into!

      With that being said, I’m tracking with you on my feelings when I played those games. There were plenty of times where I had those, “Ah-ha,” moments and thought I could write this better. Or on the other hand, the story twisted on me so hard my neck nearly broke (in a good way).

      Thanks for sharing some of your gaming loves with me. It’s always fun to talk about one of my favorite hobbies with someone who is also a fan.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Triple Triad is still my favorite mini game in a RPG to this day! I still have FFVIII on my PSP. Xp Mmm…I’d say Blitz Ball is a close 2nd. I enjoyed it a lot! It is so difficult but once you build your roster proper and really take the time to dive into it, you can become BAMF at it!

        Also it helps if you want to get one of the weapons you need when it comes to the optional boss in FFX. Final Fantasy X’s story was awesome. I really enjoyed Auron. He was my favorite character in that game. Dude was badass!

        I think FFIX is underrated as well because it was put right between the greatness of VIII and X was just about to release, so people overlooked it which is a shame because it is great! I even liked the XIII series. Lightning is my favorite FF character. (Unpopular opinion but mine nonethless) I know she is pretty much female cloud but I still like her character.

        We should devote our passion for gaming to a gaming blog of some kind. I tried doing a gaming blog forever ago. I also tried writing for someone else’s. Meh, I prefer fiction.

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      • I’d love to do something like that, but truth be told I’m scared to. My issue is that while my page seems to be pulling in some really awesome people, a lot of people in the gaming community are trolling bottom feeders (i.e. people who would rather shout their opinions than talk about things in a logical manner).

        Yes, I said it. Strike me down gaming gods! I usually steer clear of gaming forums for this reason.

        I LOVE gaming, but anytime I’ve ever tried to contribute or talk about it in an online setting, it’s always turned into a giant rage-fest. People just get WAAAAY to carried away for my taste. This is also why when I play Destiny or COD, my microphone is muted. Too much smack talk and prepubescent insanity.

        But because I blog about writing, and gaming has influenced my writing, I can sneak some of it in sometimes. It’s my way to get my little fix and share something I love.

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      • I know exactly what you mean. I almost never play online and when I do, it is with close friends. I prefer couch co-op and single player. I like how you get your love for gaming into your blogs here and there.

        Speaking of gaming, have you ever played Life Is Strange? I’ve rarely cried so much playing a game…

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      • I haven’t played it. I just looked it up. Lot’s of 10/10’s (for what that’s worth, I trust a friends opinion more than ratings these days). It’s for PS4 too. Looks like I found myself a new toy! Thanks for the suggestion.

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      • It’s mostly story drive and is very outside RPG realms. It isn’t an RPG. Think more TellTale Games. It’s very emotional and impactful and fair warning it could bring the feels.

        You’ll either love it or hate it. I’m not sure what you are into outside of RPGs or horror games but it doesn’t seem to be an in between with this game. I think if you love stories you’ll love this. I trust friends recommendations too. I never put faith in reviews.

        I found it is more exciting to do what I would back when I was little and games reviewing really didn’t exist or was limited to magazines so you only had the description and box art to go by in your choosing a game. I like to pick blindly and see if I like it. ^_^


    • When I think of Diablo I think of, “Stay awhile and listen,” “Not enough mana,” and “I am overburdened.”

      Hahahaha! For real, when Diablo came out we linked all of the computer together in computer tech and would play during class. Those were the glory days. I think that was probably one of the first games where I played with other people online (even with the miserable dial-up connection I had back then). Lots and lots of hours spent in that gaming world. Lots of lost ears too.

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      • Haha! Yes! That is exactly what I think of with Diablo! Xp I’m really loving 3 (the console one with the expansion). Once we are moved in and settled/setup in our new place, I plan on playing through it properly and devoting more time to it.

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  4. Been a while since I’d commented, but I can relate. I didn’t grow up on western rpgs, I was always more of japanese rpg person, but it was in those games that I first noticed the kind of storytelling that inspired me. Video games work miracles!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I couldn’t agree more about the joy of video games. I think the only Japanese RPGs I have played is pretty much every single Final Fantasy to ever exist. I’d be curious to know some of the titles you played, especially if I haven’t heard of them. The beauty of the internet is I can at least research them and get a feel for the characters and stories.

      Thanks for reading and leaving some thoughts today. Happy gaming.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Being the youthful millenial that I am, I’ve only dabbled in a few final fantasy titles. That being said, my main series was the “Tales of” jrpgs and there was also a game called Nier which I consider to be one of the most underrated gaming experiences in this world. I’m not sure I’d be writing if I’d never played them!

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  5. Another Dragon Age fan here–especially of Inquisition, but I love all of them. (Though Baldur’s Gate & Icewind Dale will always hold a special place in my heart.)

    To me, what stands out in the DA series is the way it brings your allies to life. Same goes for Mass Effect, I understand–how have I not played that yet?–so it’s really a Bioware thing.)

    Those life-like allies have a big effect on my character, especially in Inquisition. I’ve agonized over who to support as the next leader of the Chantry. I’ve put aside my own political views to please a lover. (I wanted to play a conservative character who was determined to restore the Circles–but then Dorian burst into his life.)

    And, yes. All the religion and politics and the LGBTQ characters seriously works for me. So much for my characters to sink their teeth into! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Icewind Dale…oh how I loved that game. I played the game, I read the trilogy, and I swore by love and allegiance to the author R.A. Salvatore (he still hasn’t graciously accepted my offering). That glorious man created Drizzt Do’Urden, one of my absolute favorite characters (and book series), and a character who shows up in Baldur’s Gate.

      I was also taken away by DA. Not just by the sheer size of the game (and seriously, what a massive game world), but be the amount of things you could do. The character element was central for me too. The ally system was brilliant and really seperated it from the, “run in and hack and slash,” type games out there (which I like too).

      The world and game play felt more real to me in this sense. Like you said, every race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation was represented. That’s real. And the number of options you could choose from was staggering. It was one of those games where I wanted to create another character and try different things but I checked my hours logged and I had already churned out 80+. I thought about it for 2.4812981 seconds, and did it anyways.

      I also found myself spending some time playing the online game as well. My wife bought a second copy so we could both play (we have our own tv’s and consoles so we can play multiplayer games that won’t let you screen share).

      I could probably talk about this game forever, but I shall refrain.

      Thanks for reading and sharing! After this post today I just want to sit around and veg out while I play all the video games we are talking about. Alas, I’m far too busy these days.

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  6. Disclaimer: I don’t play computer games and never have, so all my experience with gaming and character alignments and whatnot comes from playing tabletop RPGs when I was younger (or rather, back when I had people to game WITH — there’s a reasonable chance I’ll return to the hobby once I’m not living in “Little Texas” anymore).

    I have a mild dislike for the concept of distinct character alignments, partly because of a character belonging to a college buddy that we described as “lawful stupid” — the sort of character who goes around bullying others into doing things his way because he has Right on his side. (Ever notice how lawful good characters — and their players, sometimes — think neutral/chaotic good characters are more evil than evil characters? Gods forbid anyone do the right thing just because it IS the right thing and not because some Higher Authority commanded them to do it…) Real people don’t think of themselves as being such-and-such alignment, do they?

    If you want to define characters in terms of alignment, though, I find that I prefer neutral/chaotic good protagonists, although true neutral is okay, too. Lawful good, in my opinion, makes for a better antagonist than a protagonist — the character who is determined to Follow the Rules even if innocents get killed as a result, because this character so highly values their self-image as a Good Person. I don’t want to read about an evil protagonist unless the story is some sort of redemption arc, and the author had better make that clear pretty early in the story.


    • Given that 99.999 percent (a statistic I’m making up on the fly) of video game RPGs spawned from tabletop D&D gives you a unique insight into the mechanics of most of these games.

      “Lawful good, in my opinion, makes for a better antagonist than a protagonist…”

      I couldn’t agree with you more on this. Thinking historically, many “Lawful Good,” type leaders were the ones who committed the most heinous crimes against humanity. But in their eyes, they were right as rain. It makes them very frightening and especially great fodder for fiction.

      I’m working on a short story about a veteran being harassed by the home owners association (HOA) where he lives. First they hassle him about his lawn, then they hassle him about his handicap accessible ramp being an eyesore (and calling a building inspector) and finally attempting to get him to remove an American flag from his lawn.

      In their eyes, they are just following and enforcing the rules and bylaws of the organization. In his eyes, they just started a war that will leave bodies in his wheelchair’s wake.

      On a side note, this story came to me while I was mowing my lawn after being harassed by the HOA. Though I’m not handicapped, I thought it would be a fun twist. (No one expects the legless veteran.) I may not be able to exact vengeance, but my fictional character can.

      Thanks for reading and taking the conversation in a different direction. I think it’s a unique and spot-on insight about Lawful Good characters usually being giant knuckleheads.

      As always, thanks for taking the time to read too. I know my content is a bit long sometimes. I really do try to keep it under 100o words, but sometimes my fingers get carried away.

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      • You apologize for the length of your blog posts after seeing how much I write in my COMMENTS here?? *shakes head* I’d much rather read a long post with a lot to say than a hundred-word “sound bite” that doesn’t communicate anything.

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  7. I swear, the more we blog, the more we learn about each other. I love RPGs!! Growing up, I played all the JRPGs. It’s funny when I think about it now, but Japanese cultural really inspired me to write. Between the video games I played and anime I watched, I knew one day I wanted to write. Not only did I want to write, but I also wanted to draw.

    I really wished I followed my passion rather than a boring, mediocre life – so many lost hopes and dreams. However, your blog post really made me smile ^__^

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    • I’m glad it made you smile! I’m also very fond of Japanese culture and JRPGs. I was even lucky enough to live in Japan for three years and really get to soak it in.

      As for lost hopes and dreams, it’s never too late to switch gears. I always wanted to work as an intelligence collection agent for the federal government. I spent eight years in the military and became a combat cameraman (which is basically a person who collects intelligence using visual media while embedded with foreign and domestic entities).

      After those eight years, I spent two years getting a degree in Homeland Security and a certificate in Intelligence Studies (specializing in intelligence gathering and counter intelligence). The next step was to start applying for federal positions.

      Then I got married, created baby Thor, and my entire focus in life totally shifted. And it didn’t happen until I was 30 (I’m getting old…).

      What I’m saying is it’s never to late to shift focus. It’s just a matter of applying 100 percent to whatever it is you are doing. For me, those years weren’t wasted. Before Combat Camera I was trained as a journalist, photographer, and editor. All of the skills I acquired along the way still have a use.

      If someone is writing a spy novel, I am the person to edit it. If they are writing military fiction, I can really provide some unique insight. Life is layers. Each one builds on the next.

      In my long-winded way, I’m simply saying to just roll with the punches and see what life has in store for you. You might be surprised.

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      • Thanks, we’ll see what happens. That’s so awesome you lived in Japan for three years =) You lived quite a life already, and you are not even 50 or 60. That’s really inspiring, actually. It sounds like you did a lot in your 20s. Alas, I wish I did more with my 20s, but I was focused on the “job” thing. It wasn’t until later that I realized life isn’t about corporate America.

        Right now my goal, or was my goal, was to publish a book. However, I didn’t want to self-publish. Since I can’t even build up an online fanbase, I don’t see how I could build up readers in real life.

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  8. First game I ever played was Neverwinter Nights. DH and I were dating when it came out, and he’d been trying to get me into RPGs, D&D and the like. I’d been extremely hesitant, sure I was going to hate it…

    I played the game at least three times. Learning how to play a wizard, monk, and fighter type. I learned to love playing a lawful good paladin and a dubious sorceress. It was the beginning of a lifetime love of RPGs.

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    • Wow…I totally forgot about Neverwinter Nights. I remember being super excited about being on the Sword Coast (if my memory isn’t failing me). Paladin was always my go-to lawful good character too. Always loved watching undead things flee and be incinerated by holy awesomeness.

      Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. And also for jogging me farther down memory lane.


      • I remember in the first few editions the advisors seemed really bossy, they’d constantly be popping up, and then if you were playing very badly, it was the ‘civil disobedience’ and ‘rioting’ box popping up all the time hehe
        My earliest and fondest memories of playing though are of having only one city (because it was easier to defend than a handful of cities) and fortifying troops around it. It was a silly/stupid plan, needless to say I was soundly whipped. Kid logic is a funny thing though : p
        I like Gandhi in the newer versions, you get to build elephants, plus the culture is off the hook!
        I really wish I still had the older version : ( I played it til the disk broke. I was seriously addicted…


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      • The new one is super fancy, too fancy in my opinion. If you buy the disk, there’s nothing on it but a key that allows you to download it offline. How stupid is that? I bought the disk because I hate downloading stuff offline… meh
        You get used to the new version after a while though, it’s very graphic rich but not bad. Still, if you play the old one, I would say you’re not missing anything. ; )


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    • Civilization and Age of Empires were two computer games I really loved too. I enjoyed the history component of AoE. It always excited me when a history teacher (or professor later on) would talk about an event or place in history and I would think, “Hah, I used to run that kingdom you are talking about peasant!”

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  9. Pingback: Writing Monsters: Book, Blurb & Collage « Quintessential Editor

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