Novel Finished: Congrats M.L.S. Weech

matt at his booth

Matt manning his table at a convention.  

I‘m very excited to share  with you all that M.L.S. Weech has completed his second novel, Caught.  A big congratulations to him!  It’s always a thrill for me to see my friends finish projects.

Other than being a friend for him to vent to when the words were hard to come by, I also provided Matt some basic editing for his novel.  Really, it was just my sneaky way of getting to read the book a couple times before anyone else.

When I read the book the first time I thought, this is a really good story!  Sure, there were minor issues here and there, but the bones of the story were solid and strong.  Intriguing characters, interesting conflicts, night terrors, rogue generals, mad scientists—it’s all stuff I like reading about.

Then he executed a series of revisions.  When I read through it this last time I was ecstatic. It’s always a treat to see the evolution of a novel.  I’m glad to have been a tiny cog in the Weech machine.

Enough about me!  I encourage you all to swing by his space and give him some love. The reblog info is below.

After more time and revisions that I could ever count, I’m so very proud to say that my second book is ready to send off for review and, more importantly, publishing!  I don’t know that this feelin…

Source: Caught is FINISHED!

Copyright Info (final)

10 responses

    • I enjoyed Journals, but I really love Caught (it’s hard to show preference when it comes to a friends’ books). Not just because I played with it, the story and genre appeal to me more. If you like Stranger Things, I predict you will absolutely love Caught. It’s a blend of a lot of things, but when I was in the thick of editing Stranger Things came to Netflix and I saw a lot of interesting parallels.

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  1. Corey, I can’t tell you how helpful you’ve been. Honestly, the edits, the comments and the feedback alone were more valuable than words can say, but what’s MORE meaningful to me are those nights where I just needed a co-worker to talk to. Every time you were there to hear me vent and just get those dramatic artist mopes out made life far more tolerable. I can’t wait to see what comes of Wastelander, and I’ll be first in line for that. You’re a talent, bro, and I’m glad to know you.

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    • No worries, Matt. You’ve dealt with your fair share of my tomfoolery and self-loathing. I’ll have me fingers crossed for you as you move forward with publication. It’s all just a matter of getting into the right hands now. Good luck!

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