Update: What is QE Doing?

Photo for Human Legion.jpgI know it’s Wasteland Wednesday, but I wanted to take a day to share what I’m into these days.  I haven’t taken a day to talk about life for a while and Wednesday is as good a day as any.  Perhaps, in addition to wasteland updates, I will start offering some author/editor updates on Wednesday too.  As always, I’m tweaking this page as I go.

First off, some book updates.  My rewrites of Wastelander: The Drake Legacy will kick off here in two weeks or so.  I’m excited to get back into the mix, get the rewrites done, and start pushing the book out to my beta readers and my editor (yes, I pay an editor even though I’m an editor).

As for the novella, The Wastelander Survival Guide, it has been outlined completely and I have begun the first-draft.  However, I’m only getting about one hour a day (maybe two if I’m really lucky) of solid writing done toward that project right now.

The graphic novel idea is in its infancy.  The concept is to provide an origin story for Drake.  The current book starts thirty years after the fall of the United States.  So naturally, there is a lot of backstory I could condense into some graphic novels without repeating information from the main book.  This project is a lower priority, so I dedicate time to it when I can (mostly  when my wife has the day off and is spending some one-on-one time bonding with Thor).

As my digital artwork is slowly getting “better,” I am hoping to be able to dump a large amount of imagery on my artist for him to run with.  I know he can work faster when he has better blueprints to work from.  It’s rough, but I take a few minutes every day to practice and improve my artwork, or at least watch a video or two at Ctrl+Paint while I’m eating food (one of the best websites I’ve found that has free videos and content to improve your physical and digital art).  Here are some examples of things I have found on the internet for inspiration and digitally painted or sketched in Photoshop.


Also, obviously, I have been writing the content for the graphic novel.  This has been slow going as I have been reading a bunch of graphic novels to develop a style of writing to complement the imagery.  In the way of eating your greens (and really desserts too), graphic novels are perhaps one of the more enjoyable studies into writing mechanics I have embarked on.

The Editor

Now for some other projects I’m collaborating with as an editor (that the authors are okay with me mentioning).

M.L.S. Weech is currently busting through the rewrites of his new book, Caught.  We are old friends and have worked together on other projects as well (The Journals of Bob Drifter).  I know he is likely excited as he is closing down on the final stages on Caught.  For me, it’s really exciting to see how the book has improved with each pass he has made.  When he started, it was a great story.  Now, it’s even better.

Also on his horizon, we have been looking at his book, 1,200 (but that’s a book for him to introduce and talk about more when he is ready).  I’m also expecting to see a short story from him as he is collaborating as part of an anthology (good job bud). He wrote a post about that collaboration you can read about right here.

SleepingLegion_Book1_08.jpgI‘ve also just recently started collaborating with the Human Legion.  Tim C. Taylor and J.R. Handley are working on two separate military science fiction series over there (separate series, but in the same universe).  Currently, I’m working with J.R. and the Sleeping Legion series he is writing.  They were even nice enough to write a post about me and welcome me to their team.  (Thanks Tim!)

As I’ve just dipped my toes into that universe, I’ve been reading to familiarize myself with the content.  I’m about halfway through The Legion Awakes (Book 1 of the Sleeping Legion series), and I can say with confidence, if you like military science fiction, you are going to enjoy these books.

On the homefront, Thor keeps me on my toes and my atom splitting wife is on 12-hour rotational shifts.  Depending on what happens in the next few months, we could possibly be relocating to Virginia, Washington, Hawaii, Japan, California, or who knows where else.  While we are a Navy family, the Marines say, semper fidelis (always faithful).  I like to say, semper gumby (always flexible).  As such, I’m ready for every eventuality.

thor and me.jpgWith all this being said, I wanted to take a moment to thank all of you who find the time to stop by my page and give it a read.  I really love when we get to exchange some comments, and I’m always learning from all of you.

Given all the projects I’m currently working on, and the stay-at-home daddy daycare (which is highest on the priority list), I haven’t been able to comment on as many blogs as I would like.  I’m sorry for that.

When I find the time, I make every effort I can to browse and read all of your content.  Just know if you see a “like” from me, it isn’t a “spam like.”  I probably am reading your post on my phone while feeding Thor a bottle or juggling some other task.  Trying to write a comment of meaning on my iPhone is nigh impossible (my fingers are too big and clumsy).

Also, the days of me being able to reply to comments as they roll in have unfortunately come to an end.  Thor is only taking two naps instead of three, and that reduces my daily work time by about 1.5 hours.  I still am replying to all the comments I get on my posts, and I love getting them, but I am doing it all at once now.  So if your comment sits for a bit before I respond to it, just know I was likely managing some kind of diaper mishap or blistering my fingers on a style guide.

Did I mention semper gumby…

That’s the update!  Again, thanks for swinging in.  I’ll try to pepper in some of these author/editor updates from time-to-time so you don’t all think I’ve become some kind of cyborg blogging construct (not that I would divulge it if I was).  Until tomorrow, keep reading, keep writing, and as always – stay sharp!

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38 responses

    • He obviously got all of his mothers looks! 😀 He’s a lot of fun and I love all the time we get to spend together. I’ll pass the compliment on to all the applicable parties (mom and Thor).


    • If I could add sleep to my list of things going on, that would be the best ever! Hah 🙂 But I am grateful for the work that’s coming in. Thanks for stopping in today, Nichole.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m really quite jealous. Nine to five doesn’t give half as much writing and enjoying myself time as I’d like.
    As for commenting on phones, I know all about chubby finger syndrome. Especially with full stops next to the space bar.
    Keep up the good work Corey!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I trade a nine to nine (my old police shift) for a 8 a.m. to 3 a.m., but I think it was worth it. I’m not paying someone half my paycheck to raise my son for me, and the hustle I endure is for something I care about. It doesn’t seem quite as unbearable when you know your efforts are going toward personal goals (that’s what I tell myself at least…).

      Thanks for the kind words, Andrew! Also, thanks for swinging in (when I type that I imagine my various readers swinging around on vines like Tarzan, which makes me happy).

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m glad to be jetpacking around with space marines while you man the helm. As far as editing goes, military science fiction is a place I enjoy playing.

      The wife probably should get all the credit for Thor’s rugged good looks. I’ll pass the compliment on to her 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Anyone who follows you or J.R. realizes that you both dedicate time to your followers…and we appreciate it! I think fellow bloggers totally understand just doing a LIKE instead of a comment. I keep adding to my list of people that I follow and really, it’s hard to keep up. Hitting the LIKE button shows that you stopped by and it’s appreciated just as much as a remark. BTW, Thor is adorable!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • I appreciate you understanding this. When I first started the blog I only had the one book I was working on and a client or two. So I had lots of time and wrote lots of comments. Now that everything is going faster, my commenting pace is slowing down. Because of all of this, I didn’t want people to think I was shunning them or anything. “Hey, he used to write a comment on every post and now he barely stops in,” kind of thing. Now that my blog is closing in on 800 followers, it’s becoming a real bear for me to manage – and I feel bad about it. So for me, it was just important to put the vibe out there in hopes folks would understand why I can’t frequent as often as I once was.

      I do have certain bloggers that I bookmark on my web-browser (you’re on that list) and these are the people who regularly comment here on my posts. So I am trying to reciprocate the best I can. Plus, all of those bookmarked bloggers, you included, write awesome posts and I love reading them.

      Thanks for the kind and understanding words. As a silly as it may sound, I’ve been stressing about how little I’ve been able to make rounds recently.

      I’ll make sure Thor (and his mommy) gets the compliment 😀

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for stopping in so often and leaving your thoughts. I learn a lot from writing the posts, and knowing other people are gleaning information from them too is very rewarding. I also tend to learn a lot from the great comments people leave (people like you). Thanks again!


    • Thank you so much for saying all of this. Your comment put a big ‘ol smile on my face.

      I’ve really enjoyed all the collaboration we’ve had here in the blogoverse. Both of our pages have changed tremendously (in good ways) since I started up this page. Hopefully we both manage to carve out a little piece of success for ourselves. It’s always really encouraging when I stop by the spaces of bloggers I like and see that they are generating more likes and comments! Let’s keep the forward momentum going 🙂


  3. You’re a flat out inspiration. Every day I’m a little tuckered out and I get a FB message from you clocking in, I feel like I can work another hour if you’re there to talk shop with. Today was jam packed full of house loan application goodness. I found time for some social media work and a new marketing campaign test I’ll talk with you about privately first before I blog about it. Your help has been essential since I’ve known you. You’re work on Caught has been amazing, and no one will understand how great 1,200 WILL be because of your notes and editing style. It’s your ability to learn the language of your client and speak on his (in my case) level that makes you stand out. Looking forward to reading Wastelander!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Aw, I love the pics! I also appreciate this glimpse at your current projects. Knowing what other writers are up to and how they budget their time is both inspiring and helpful.

    I’m also in awe of your workload!

    Thanks for keeping us all updated. 😊


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