Short Stories: Places to Publish

query letter.jpgI’ve been reading more and more posts about the all-important query letter, fishing for representation from agents, and publishing.  Currently, I’ve drafted a book (Wastelander: The Drake Legacy).  I’m also working on a corresponding novella.  With all this considered, I really don’t have much else in the way of a fiction writing resume.

I wouldn’t go to a job interview without first preparing my resume, so why should I attempt to gain representation from an agent without beefing up a similar writing resume?  Right now my resume would consist of, well, nothing.  I can’t count the single novel and novella because they aren’t published.  They are the unproven products I want to get representation for and publish.

Masterpiece Written - No Agent

When you look at it this way, my resume is pretty weak.  After all, I think it’s fair to assume an agent wants to know if we have a future in writing, or if we are a one-and-done kind of writer.   My assumption is they are looking for repeat work.  I interpret this as, are you readable and prolific enough to make everyone involved money by pumping out work?


The problem is that it takes time to draft a book, more to polish it, and potentially longer to start the process of publishing.  If we rely solely on full-blown novels as the basis of our writing portfolios, then we are working on resumes that are years in the making.  In the meantime, we may be writing books very few people will stumble upon (depending on your Jedi marketing mind powers).

Got-an-idea.pngPotential solutions include (1) self-publish first book and novella, (2) write two or three books in the series prior to seeking representation, (3) say, “screw it,” and try to gain representation with current work, (4) roll myself into a ball and cry while rocking, and (5) publish a few short stories to bolster writing resume.

This post focuses on the short story option.  Specifically, finding legitimate publications to publish in.  If successful, the agent would have more than just a single example of what we can do.  Even better, the stories would be published examples by places that presumably value quality within our genres.

In researching the how and where, I came across a few sources of information I thought might be useful to share.

The List Server.jpg

The first is a website is called, Let’s Write a Short Story.  They wrote an article called, 46 Literary Magazines to Submit To.  This reference article lists outlets to submit to, provides hyperlinks to those websites, and breaks the list down into genre’s.

Another comes from the website, The Write Life.  The article I found most useful was, Where to Submit Short Stories: 25 Magazines and Websites That Want Your Work (that’s a long title).  While this list is a little shorter than the previous one, what I like about it is they provide a snippet about each, potential pay for works submitted, as well as rough estimates for word counts.

The Los Angeles Writers Group offers a more current listing: Nine Places to Submit Your Short Stories Right Now.  This one includes places to post poetry, as well as fiction.  I also like that they provide extra information regarding posting requirements.

According to these websites, there are more than 4000 places to publish short stories.  Happy hunting.  It should be noted this post is reblog.  Since this post was generated, some excellent folks have listed more great resources for you to check out!


Kernerangelina (Where Dragons Reside) offered the following:

Philcharlesr (Phil Charles R) provided these gems:

question mark.pngHave any of you published short stories?  If so, where?  I’d love to hear about it and add to our collective information.  Give this amateur yarn spinner some tips!  Until tomorrow, keep reading, keep writing, and as always – stay sharp!

Copyright Info (final)

38 responses

  1. I love short stories… problem with me is that my short stories usually turn into novellas and novels because those characters just want to keep going. I wish I could help you with links of where to post short stories, but honestly the best answer that I can give you is post it on your blog. Authors are supposed to have blogs, that’s a given and agents will probably search the blog for short stories, writing tips, and see how many followers actually respond and just follow. Just a thought.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Interesting post, and I think you’re onto a winner adding short stories to your arsenal. I’ve come across a couple of interesting websites over the past couple of months. I’ve not tried them out just yet but I’m planning to when my material is ready. looks like it might be worth submitting to. This next one isn’t about short stories but it looks like it has potential if you can build a following. is a cross between a traditional publisher and a crowdfunder. Get 750 people to preorder your book on their website and they’ll publish you, including editing and distribution.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for these resources Phil and for stopping by. I will definitely check into them. If you do get your work to the point of submission you should make some blog posts about the process. I know I would be interested to see how it goes for you – I doubt I’m the only one.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, as always, for stopping by and posting. Good luck with your submissions this summer! After nearly 60k readers of Clash of Tides, you should feel confident in your chances. Keep us blogomaniacs posted as you go through the process.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I went the full novel route only because I want to write novels. I’m stubborn that way, and it doesn’t help in trying to find an agent. Sure, I may get an agent down the road off one of these manuscripts, but I know the short story route is more traditional. I don’t know if it’s more tried and true. For me, it became about determining what I WANT to do with my time. Every minute is of use to me, and I don’t want to spend those minutes writing something I’m just writing for the sake of finding an agent. I hope that doesn’t come off as judgmental. There’s nothing at all wrong with using short stories to get an agent. I think that method might get one an agent faster, but I don’t have any evidence whatsoever to prove that.


    • The only evidence I have to offer are secondhand accounts. Chuck Sambuchino, over at Writer’s Digest (WD), is probably one of the best sources of information I’ve found in regards to query letters and finding agents. In addition to being the author of the WD Guide to Literary Agents 2017, he also writes a host of online articles for WD.

      One thing he does is provide actual examples of real query letters that have netted authors representation. Perhaps most useful to someone looking to go the traditional route, he writes an up-to-date blog that focuses specifically on featuring agents who are looking for authors in specific genres. You can check that out here.

      He wrote an article (and this article is dated) offering some reasons why novelists should consider writing short stories. It’s called, 5 Reasons Novelists Should Write & Publish Short Stories.

      I don’t know if any of this helps you, Matt. But regardless, you inadvertently allowed me to add more information to the blog. Hope your Caught revisions are going well!

      Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a lovely name for a story. Valencio…I like saying it aloud too. Good luck moving forward with it!

      (On a side note, when I try to click your name to visit your WordPress account it takes me to a dead page that says, “The authors have deleted this website.” I always try to mention it when I see this because sometimes people don’t realize it.)


  4. I want to see a post on ” (4) roll myself into a ball and cry while rocking” I need a little help in that area.

    I have a few short stories in a half abandoned series that I have been contemplating starting up and self publishing in the Amazon store…Thank you for all the links!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hah! I’m sure eventually I will tap into your suggestion. As time is often fleeting for me, I find myself considering the, “fetal position crying option,” more and more. When baby Thor employs this method he always gets cuddles…perhaps I too can acquire these cuddles.

      Best of luck moving forward with some of your short stories! Be sure to post about them when/if you start the process. I know I’d like to see more posts about the process of submission. I will likely generate some posts once I start failing/succeeding in this area.

      Liked by 1 person

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